Human remains found in former home of man convicted of murdering wife, Pennsylvania coroner says

Human remains were found in the former home of a man convicted last week of murdering his wife, Pennsylvania authorities said.

The (Johnstown) Tribune-Democrat reports that Brian Giles, 48, lived with Nancy Giles in an apartment in the Johnstown home before she disappeared in October 2018. Her remains were found in May 2019 in a grave shallow near a trail on Incline Hill in downtown Johnstown.

Cambria County jurors deliberated for about an hour Thursday before convicting Brian Giles of first-degree murder and aggravated assault in the death of Nancy Giles, CBS affiliate WTAJ-TV reported. As he walked out of the courtroom, Giles said he wanted people to know he was innocent. Defense attorney Timothy Burns, who had cited his client’s report of mental health issues, called the outcome “disappointing” and said the defense would explore its options.

Authorities searched Giles’ former residence in the Kernville neighborhood on Friday after reports of a possible body. Coroner Jeffrey Lees confirmed human remains had been found in the basement, calling the death “highly suspicious” and promising a long and methodical investigation.

Lees said after an autopsy Saturday that the remains would be taken Monday to Mercyhurst University in Erie for further forensic investigation, and that after receiving those results and other information, he would make a decision on the cause. and the manner of death. Identifying the remains would be a top priority, he said.

Authorities said Jilly Todaro, Giles’ girlfriend after his wife disappeared, also lived in the apartment and disappeared in December 2020. Todaro is still missing and authorities have not confirmed whether the search is related to this case, in which no charges have been filed. was filed.

Burns, who represented Giles in the trial involving the death of Nancy Giles, declined to comment Sunday on the discovery of the remains.

During closing arguments in the murder trial, prosecutors argued that Brian Giles had been verbally abusive to Nancy Giles and would not allow her to have a cell phone, WTAJ reported.

“He (Giles) disposed of her (Nancy’s) body with the same degradation he had shown in previous years,” Cambria County Assistant Prosecutor Jessica Aurandt said. “Giles had the motive, the opportunity and the stories ready.”

Aurandt also argued that there was no forensic evidence of the crime because Brian Giles made sure there would be none. He also allegedly misled police and removed missing persons posters, Aurandt said.

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