The governor of South Dakota. Kristi Noem says Trump choosing a female vice president would help him win

The governor of South Dakota.  Kristi Noem says Trump choosing a female vice president would help him win

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem speaks at the NRA-ILA Leadership Forum during the National Rifle Association (NRA) annual convention in Houston, Texas, United States, May 27, 2022. Shannon Stapleton | Reuters The governor of South Dakota. Kristi Noem, once a serious contender for former President Donald Trump’s running mate, suggested Sunday that the presumptive Republican … Read more

Retired US Navy admiral accused of corruption with tech CEOs

Retired US Navy admiral accused of corruption with tech CEOs

In 2021, Burke reportedly directed his team to award Kim and Messenger a $355,000 military contract. In exchange, Kim and Messenger allegedly promised Burke a job with their company in the future. In 2022, Burke began working as a senior associate at Next Jump with a starting annual salary of $500,000 and 100,000 stock options, … Read more