Why Trumpworld Said Biden Pooped Himself

Why Trumpworld Said Biden Pooped Himself

The 2024 campaign reached a new level of absurdity on Thursday, but as one Trumpworld strategist put it: “This is how it’s going to be: 2016 on steroids.” » It all started with “S Printer Family”, a pseudonymous X account whose publications on President Joe Biden have been repeatedly denied by the AFP news agency. … Read more

Trump behind bars would be a ‘nightmare’ for him and his country

Trump behind bars would be a ‘nightmare’ for him and his country

There’s no guarantee Donald Trump will end up behind bars, but with his felony conviction Thursday while still facing three separate indictments, the once-distant possibility of a former U.S. president being incarcerated is moving closer to reality . This prompted a common question: How would Trump be held in prison and what would his life … Read more