Biden Hunter trial: Jury resumes deliberations in federal gun case

Biden Hunter trial: Jury resumes deliberations in federal gun case

WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — Jurors will resume deliberations Tuesday in the criminal case against President Joe Biden’s son for a gun that Hunter Biden purchased in 2018 when prosecutors said he was in the throes of a crack addiction. Jurors deliberated for less than an hour before leaving the Delaware federal courthouse Monday afternoon. They … Read more

Hunter Biden gun trial: Defense attempts to undermine prosecutors’ case

Hunter Biden gun trial: Defense attempts to undermine prosecutors’ case

WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — The criminal trial of President Joe Biden’s son enters home stretch Monday as defense attempts to narrow prosecutors’ case laying bare some of the darkest moments from Hunter Biden’s drug-fueled past. Hunter Biden’s lawyers could call at least one additional witness when the case moves to federal court in Delaware – … Read more

What to remember from Hunter Biden’s gun trial: Family, exes and more

What to remember from Hunter Biden’s gun trial: Family, exes and more

WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) – Photos of President Joe Biden’s son with drug paraphernalia and shirtless in a bubble bath. Text messages between Hunter Biden and drug traffickers. Testimony from Hunter’s exes about relationships destroyed by his drug use. Hunter Biden on gun trial brought by his father’s Justice Department exposed sordid and embarrassing details about … Read more

Jurors convict 5 defendants in $40 million Minnesota food fraud scheme

Jurors convict 5 defendants in  million Minnesota food fraud scheme

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — A jury convicted five Minnesota residents but acquitted two others Friday for their roles in a scheme to steal more than $40 million which was supposed to feed children during the coronavirus pandemic. The case gained attention after someone tried to bribe a junior with a bag of $120,000 in cash. That … Read more

Hunter Biden Gun Trial: Prosecution Ends

Hunter Biden Gun Trial: Prosecution Ends

WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — Federal prosecutors aimed to conclude their gun case against Hunter Biden Friday with two final witnesses in an effort to prove the president’s son lied on a mandatory gun purchase form when he said he was not an “illegal user or addict” of drugs . Prosecutors planned to call a drug … Read more

Jurors in Hunter Biden trial hear from clerk who sold him gun

Jurors in Hunter Biden trial hear from clerk who sold him gun

WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) – The widow of Hunter Biden’s brother told jurors in her federal gun trial Thursday about the moment she found the revolver in his truck, describing how she put it in a leather pouch, stuffed it in a shopping bag and threw it in a trash can outside a market near her … Read more

Biden Hunter trial: ex-wife expected to testify

Biden Hunter trial: ex-wife expected to testify

WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — Federal prosecutors in Hunter Biden spent hours showing jurors evidence of his drug problem, seeking to reveal in his own words and writing the depth of his addiction to show it was still relevant when, they say, he lied on a form to purchase a firearm. Testimony was scheduled to continue … Read more

‘Real Housewives’ Star’s Ex-Husband Found Guilty of Hiring Gangster to Assault Boyfriend

‘Real Housewives’ Star’s Ex-Husband Found Guilty of Hiring Gangster to Assault Boyfriend

NEWARK, NJ (AP) — The ex-husband of a “Real Housewives of New Jersey” cast member was convicted Tuesday of hiring a reputed gangster to assault the woman’s boyfriend in exchange for a lavish and free wedding reception. A federal jury found Thomas Manzo of Franklin Lakes guilty of conspiracy, falsifying and concealing records and committing … Read more

Feds search for person who left $120,000 bag with promise to get more with food fraud juror

Jurors convict 5 defendants in  million Minnesota food fraud scheme

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Minnesota authorities have confiscated cellphones and taken all seven defendants into custody as investigators try to determine who tried to bribe a juror with a bag of cash containing $120,000 to get him to acquit them. theft charges More than $40 million from a program to feed children during the pandemic. The … Read more

Hunter Biden federal gun case opens

Hunter Biden federal gun case opens

WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — Lawyers will make opening statements Tuesday in the federal gun case against Hunter, President Joe Biden’s son After a jury was seated for trial while the first lady watched from the courtroom and the president sent a message of support. Hunter Biden He was charged with three misdemeanors stemming from a … Read more